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Who We Are

For over 30 years, the Housing Partnership continues to create affordable housing, viable neighborhoods, and opportunities for self-sufficiency.

Our Mission

Strengthening communities by creating lasting and responsible homeownership through education and financial coaching.

Our Vision

Financially secure homeowners residing in stable communities.

Creating Lasting and Responsible Homeownership

Since 1992, the Housing Partnership, located in Dover, New Jersey, has been an award-winning and dependable resource for homebuyer education and programs in New Jersey. We have changed lives and communities through education, free counseling services, and special financial programs. Our workshops and one-on-one counseling, offered in both English and Spanish, have been the first step for over 1,000 families in their homeownership journeys and we’ve helped many more through our affordable housing, down payment assistance, and foreclosure prevention programs.

Our Team photo

For over 30 years, the Housing Partnership has worked to achieve its mission of creating affordable housing, viable neighborhoods, and opportunities for self-sufficiency through housing counseling, down payment assistance and affordable housing programs which enhance the quality of life for the citizens of New Jersey. We shall continue to do all these things while serving our residents and neighboring citizens with the highest degree of professional courtesy, empathy, and respect.

A NeighborWorks Center for New Jersey

The Housing Partnership is a chartered member of NeighborWorks America – a national network of 243 community organizations working to improve people’s lives and strengthen communities. NeighborWorks America is one of the country’s preeminent leaders in affordable housing and community development.

Our affiliation with NeighborWorks helps us to provide an array of home buying counseling and educational services that would otherwise be inaccessible to women, minorities, and families of modest means in the New Jersey area. As a NeighborWorks Homeownership Center, we adhere to a set of proven standards for delivering comprehensive, high-quality homeownership services in a community-based setting.

Meet Our Team

How do we inspire our partners and community?

Empowering Your Homeownership & Financial Journey