Interested Parties Application

Affordable Home Purchase Process

Available to both low income and moderate income households, the Housing Partnership maintains a pool of candidates for the municipalities listed on the Affordable Homes page based on family size and income. Households hoping to purchase an affordable home in one of these municipalities must place their names into the pool by completing this form. Your completed application becomes part of the Housing Partnership’s Interested Parties database. When an affordable home becomes available in your category (based on household size and income), you will be contacted via email or mail giving you the opportunity to view the home. NOTE: Email is the quickest way to be notified of available units in order to meet application deadlines.

If after viewing the available home, you are interested in buying it, you must then complete a pre-application, with a pre-approval from a lender for no more than 95% of the sales price in order to be included in a random selection lottery. The random selection lottery is used to determine the order full applications will be certified for purchase.

Your preliminary application is then included in a lottery, which is used to determine the order in which full applications will be certified for purchase. You typically have 7 calendar days after the lottery to return your full application. The first completed eligible applicant based on his/her lottery number will be certified as eligible to enter a contract with the homeowner – there is no guarantee you will get the home.

For more information, see our Home Buyer FAQs.